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Tel 320- 983-7226

"Writing my "About Us" page".

Our project is the creation of an APP called AdoptAPP in which we will be mediators to adopt, sponsor, donate, rescue and find lost pets, this will have a database and the necessary information to generate familiarity to the user, we will provide an attractive visual image, interaction, animation and illustrations that motivate to adopt.

As a communication strategy we will take into account striking images, animations, videos and tips on pets that catch our audience in such a way that only see the app want to download it and enter to see what it is, and thus in this way with an excellent multimedia production show pets that are ready for adoption, sponsorship and also that people who just want to make donations are assured that their donations will go to pets, in addition to this we will have a space where anyone will be able to publish lost pets to help them find their home.

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